Thursday, April 12, 2018

What is the difference between Hemp and Marijuana? Is there a difference? Why the confusion?

Cannabis, hemp and marijuana are often used interchangeably by people who do not know the difference. Both hemp and marijuana come from different versions of the cannabis sativa plant. Marijuana is known for its euphoric psychoactive properties due to its THC concentration. While Marijuana may have medicinal properties, the purpose of this article is not to promote the use of Marijuana, but rather shine a light on hemp and CBD oil that is derived from hemp and the wellness benefits that CBD Oil can provide.

Many people with legitimate health problems don't want the psychoactive component found in marijuana and are merely looking for relief from their ailments, and increased general well being that can be achieved with CBD Oil. They want to take something legal everywhere in the USA, they want to be able to pass a urine test, after all CBD does not have a psychoactive component. Some forms of CBD Oil contain trace amounts of THC however this amount is not enough to be psychoactive, or show up on a drug test, which is why it is legal. Hemp comes from cannabis plants with less than 0.3 percent THC. Most CBD Oils contain significantly less than that. The general range I have noticed recently looking at third party independent lab tests is 0.02 % to 0.09 %

Hemp contains more of cannabidiol (CBD) than marijuana, and because humans and all vertebrates have an endocannabinoid system with cannabinoid receptors in the brain and nerve cells in the body, I think the potential for hemp CBD Oil is actually greater than that of medical marijuana which contains less cannabinoids. We hear more about marijuana because the controversy surrounding it, which causes the topic to be more sensationalized in the media for its medicinal benefits. 

Vertebrates including humans produce cannabinoids naturally and the way CBD seems to work is that it stimulates the body to produce more cannabinoids. Cannabinoid receptors are involved in processes in the brain and body that regulate mood, pain sensation, appetite and memory. Other receptors are in the central nervous system, lungs, kidneys, and liver and immune system. Receptors also have to do with maintaining homeostasis in the body. The potential medical benefits are staggering and it is no wonder there is little support from pharmaceutical giants after all if people are not diseased or ill because they are using this natural CBD oil, then big pharma will go out of business.

One of the promising uses for CBD could be to help people with addictive behavior including helping people who abuse opioids. The abuse of opioids has become such a devastating problem in our county, breaking apart families, causing financial devastation, moral decay and even death of teens, moms, dads, sons and daughters.

I encourage people to have an open mind with regard to cannabinoids and CBD Oil. We pump our bodies full of perscription poisons trying to treat one condition and creating a new health problem from the side effects of the medication. The more medications we take the more out of balance our bodies become. People are getting sicker, and all these medications are doing is managing the condition while creating more health issues, because that is the most profitable way for the pharmaceutical companies make money.

Why not have an open mind and try a natural plant that has no side effects and can benefit your body to help it heal itself? To me there is an obvious reason why funding, studies and research is being squelched. The obvious answer is that the medical community is aware and terrified that the hemp plant can provide amazing results but they can't let that be known because it would threaten their existence.

If you have any medical condition what so ever, I encourage you to try CBD Oil and decide for yourself if it helps you. Each individual is different, most people find it helps with at least some of their ailments. No company claims that CBD oil can cure or heal any condition, because people experience different results. It is also not regulated by the FDA.  Reputable companies have third party lab testing, and have these results available on their website. The link below is for a company that offers a 60 day money back guarantee, so if you are unhappy for any reason, you can return the unused portion of the product. I personally use and promote products for this company and if you make a purchase I will earn a commission, however I personally use the products and would not promote something I don't believe in!

view some of the CBD products available

If you have a friend or relative with any ailments what so ever, please share this information with them and share on social media.  💚

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